FSLS - List big files in file system - (nf)

Jim Webb jrw at hropus.UUCP
Tue Sep 16 06:11:03 AEST 1986

> In article <573 at ih1ap.UUCP> sja at ih1ap.UUCP (Steve Alesch) writes:
> >> 
> >> find / -size +nnn -exec ls -l {} \;
> >
> >You can bury the machine this way!!!!  It's incredibly more efficient
> >using xargs(1) instead.
> >
> >	find / -size +nnn -print | xargs ls -l
> >
> >Sorry, but this is one of my pet peeves.
> And for those of you who don't have xargs (I thought such creatures
> died after v6!), you can do:
> 	ls -l `find / +nnn -print`
> Which shell facility is, of course, why I thought xargs-like things
> died after v6...

AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!  What happens, if, pray tell, the find finds more
that 5120 chars worth of file names????  The shell prints an error about
the arg list too long!   _This_ is why xargs came about...
Jim Webb             "Out of phase--get help"          ...!ihnp4!hropus!jrw

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