FSLS - List big files in file system - (nf)

Mike Meyer mwm at eris.berkeley.edu
Mon Sep 15 00:11:36 AEST 1986

In article <573 at ih1ap.UUCP> sja at ih1ap.UUCP (Steve Alesch) writes:
>> find / -size +nnn -exec ls -l {} \;
>You can bury the machine this way!!!!  It's incredibly more efficient
>using xargs(1) instead.
>	find / -size +nnn -print | xargs ls -l
>Sorry, but this is one of my pet peeves.

And for those of you who don't have xargs (I thought such creatures
died after v6!), you can do:

	ls -l `find / +nnn -print`

Which shell facility is, of course, why I thought xargs-like things
died after v6...


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