Larn 12.0 Bugs that are really features

Erik Strom erik at ssc-vax.UUCP
Wed Sep 3 03:18:49 AEST 1986

    My apologies to the net for my earlier bug report. The 'problems'

    I reported have turned out to be features known to all who played

    the 11.0 version of Larn. I obviously did not play this version. 

    I appreciate the helpfull (mostly) responses that I received from

    you folks out there, although there is one person who should grow

    up. Maybe there is something wrong with the air in Beserkely.

 He's cute, he's cuddly, he's loyal, he's brave, but he's not home, so leave
 your posting at the sound of the tone......

                                          Erik Strom 
					  Boeing Electronics

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