VT100TOOL under SUN 3.0

Mike Fitzpatrick fitz at utastro.UUCP
Wed Sep 3 03:26:39 AEST 1986

	I recently began to install the VT100TOOL source that was posted
but found out quickly that it doesn't compile on a SUN2 running 3.0.  It 
seems that the definitions and routines in the terminal emulator have been
changed and so I get a slew of 'undefined' externs.  Anyone have similar
experiences or did I just get a bad version?? Before I hack this out myself 
I was hoping someone has already done it and could send me the changes.

Mike Fitzpatrick			
University of Texas				
Dept. of Astronomy				 
Austin, Tx    78712
fitz at astro.UTEXAS.EDU

Mike Fitzpatrick		"No man is an island,
University of Texas			      but Gary is a city in Indiana."
Dept. of Astronomy			   
Austin, Tx    78712
fitz at astro.UTEXAS.EDU

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