Attempting to compile ADL; a quick question

Ross Cunniff cunniff at hpfcdc.HP.COM
Fri Aug 5 02:58:09 AEST 1988

In article <579 at sbsvax.UUCP> greim at sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
>In <423 at coplex.UUCP> Dean Brooks writes:
><   I have just recently obtained a copy of the source to ADL, the
><Adventure Definition Language used to create any kind of adventure.
><   I successfully compiled the source without ANY problems whatsoever,
><but there seems to be something wrong with it. The adventure (.adl) files seem
><to compile with "adlcomp" FINE, but when I use "adlrun" to actually play
><the game it always gives an error and exits (it doesnt dump core tho).
>Which game?? What error?

Ditto.  I would like to know this information as well.

><   I was wondering if anyone had the same problem or if anyone knew of
><any bugfixes/patches that are available.  We are running UNIX 5.2 on
><a PLEXUS P/75 (68020).
><   I would GREATLY appreciate any help you could provide as I am very
><interested in this package.  Thanks!
>I played around a bit with adl. When I wrote my first dungeon I tried
>to get some demon running. I got a lot of core dumps until I
>figured out that I had specified too much brackets "(" and ")".

What flags (in adltypes.h) did you compile with?  If you compiled
without the error checking code, errors WILL cause core dumps.  The
error checking code will catch most problems, but will cause the
adventures to run more slowly.

>The code for "adlrun -h" is buggy. I had some problems to get it
>running, and it still does not look very nice. Maybe if I have the
>time someday I will try to rewrite it.
What bugs have you found in it?  What kind of terminal are you using?
It's been tested on HP terminals and on vt100's.

>Maybe you could send me your dungeon (if you wrote one yourself) and
>I could check out on one of our VAX, SUN or PC-MX2 (by SIEMENS AG,
>the closest we have to SYS5)
>	-mg
Likewise.  If you've written a dungeon with ADL, I'd be *GREATLY* interested
in seeing a copy of it.  Post it to, or e-mail me
a copy.

>|UUCP:  ...!uunet!unido!sbsvax!greim   | Michael T. Greim                    |
>|       or greim at sbsvax.UUCP           | Universitaet des Saarlandes         |
>|CSNET: greim%sbsvax.uucp at Germany.CSnet| FB 10 - Informatik (Dept. of CS)    |
>|ARPA:  greim%sbsvax.uucp at uunet.UU.NET | Bau 36, Im Stadtwald 15             |
>|Phone: +49 681 302 2434               | D-6600 Saarbruecken 11, West Germany|
>|# include <disclaimers/std.h>                                               |

					Ross Cunniff
					Hewlett-Packard Colorado Language Lab
					cunniff%hpda at hplabs.ARPA

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