ARC 5.21 Patch #1

Wolf N. Paul wnp at dcs.UUCP
Sun Aug 7 18:00:46 AEST 1988

In article <4678 at b-tech.UUCP> zeeff at b-tech.UUCP (Jon Zeeff) writes:
>The latest version of Howard's arc seems to work quite well on Sys V.3 and
>even a Sys III system.  I'd recommend getting rid of any other versions
>of Unix arc and using this one.

Has anyone got this version of ARC working on Microport System V/AT --
the 286 version? If so, please let me know what changes you made to the

Wolf N. Paul * 3387 Sam Rayburn Run * Carrollton TX 75007 * (214) 306-9101
UUCP:     killer!dcs!wnp                 ESL: 62832882
DOMAIN:   wnp%dcs at    TLX: 910-380-0585 EES PLANO UD

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