ARC 5.21 Patch #1
Also known as Andrew
pcng at cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz
Thu Aug 4 11:04:51 AEST 1988
>From article <4659 at b-tech.UUCP>, by zeeff at b-tech.UUCP (Jon Zeeff):
> The only problems I had compiling on a Sys V.3 '386 systems were
> 1) Line 33 of arcdos.c needs to include time.h instead of sys/time.h
> 2) ftime may be missing - here's one someone gave me
> ...
> ...
> Jon Zeeff Branch Technology,
> uunet!umix!b-tech!zeeff zeeff%b-tech.uucp at
ftime() function call exists on SCO Xenix 386 or 286 V. Just link the
program with '-lx' should work.
_ _. __ _,
--- /_)_(__/) )_(_)_ [ Also know as Andrew ]
/ /|
' |/
Po Cheung NG ISD: +61 2 697-4056
JMRC, School of Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci., STD: (02) 697-4056
The University of New South Wales, FAX: +61 2 662-2087
PO Box 1, Kensington, ARPA: at
Sydney, NSW 2033, JANET: cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz!pcng at ukc
AUSTRALIA. ACSnet: pcng at cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz
UUCP: {enea,hplabs,mcvax,prlb2,uunet,ubc-vision,ukc}!munnari!cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz!pcng
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