ARC 5.21 Patch #1

Howard Chu hyc at
Tue Aug 2 02:16:10 AEST 1988

ftime isn't used if you've defined SYS5 in Make.tws. Hopefully that's enough
to insure "proper" behavior on most systems...

One last note regarding the screwups in the patches for marc.c - After applying
the patches from the large patch file, your copy of marc.c will be version 1.3,
but the RCS header will not be changed to reflect this. Mea culpa. Upon trying
to apply the followup patch to marc.c, you will probably find the RCS header
in a reject file. You should stick it in there by hand. Sorry 'bout that...
To summarize:
original posting	marc.c version 1.2
patch #1		marc.c should be version 1.3, but isn't so marked.
"oops" patch		marc.c version 1.4

Ok, that's about it. Oh, one more thing - if anyone has gotten this running on
SCO Xenix 386, I'd like to hear from you. Thanks.
 /_ , ,_.                      Howard Chu
/ /(_/(__                University of Michigan
    /           Computing Center          College of LS&A
   '              Unix Project          Information Systems

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