Official patch #1 to faces v1.3.

Rich Burridge richb at sunchat.oz
Wed Dec 28 14:48:20 AEST 1988

This is official patch #1 for faces v1.3; please apply it.

It fixes the following problems:

1/ The SunView version of faces incorrectly compiled under SunOS
   v3.5. Thanks to Mike Khaw for finding and fixing this.
2/ SunView faces core dumped when not run natively.
3/ If a user's face directory contained both a and another
   type of icon, then the other type of icon would not be found
   with the SunView version.
4/ Blank lines in the and caused core dumps.
   Thanks to Tony Kusalik for pointing this out.

Feed this file to Larry Walls' 'patch' program to apply this patch,
then recompile.


------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
*** original/faces.h	Sun Dec 11 15:05:47 1988
--- faces.h	Wed Dec 28 15:35:49 1988
*** 1,5 ****
! /*  @(#)faces.h 1.3 88/12/09
   *  Contains all the global definitions used by faces.
--- 1,5 ----
! /*  @(#)faces.h 1.4 88/12/28
   *  Contains all the global definitions used by faces.
*** 57,63 ****
  enum mon_type { MONALL, MONNEW, MONPRINTER } ;
  /* Different graphics systems appropriate one set in gtype. */
! enum gr_type { SUNVIEW, NEWS } ;
  /* Determine order for face type lookup. */
  #define  NEWSTYPE        0
--- 57,63 ----
  enum mon_type { MONALL, MONNEW, MONPRINTER } ;
  /* Different graphics systems appropriate one set in gtype. */
! enum gr_type { SVIEW, NEWS } ;
  /* Determine order for face type lookup. */
  #define  NEWSTYPE        0
*** original/main.c	Sun Dec 11 15:05:48 1988
--- main.c	Wed Dec 28 15:35:47 1988
*** 1,5 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)main.c 1.2 88/12/11" ;
  /*  Icon face server for monitoring mail and print jobs.
--- 1,5 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)main.c 1.3 88/12/28" ;
  /*  Icon face server for monitoring mail and print jobs.
*** 229,235 ****
    for (i = 0; i < MAXTYPES; i++)
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", facedir, community, user, fname[i]) ;
!       if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1) return ;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXTYPES; i++)
--- 229,239 ----
    for (i = 0; i < MAXTYPES; i++)
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", facedir, community, user, fname[i]) ;
!       if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!         {
!           if (EQUAL(fname[i],"") && gtype != NEWS) continue ;
!           else return ;
!         }
    for (i = 0; i < MAXTYPES; i++)
*** 237,244 ****
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s/%s", facedir, user, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
!           return ;
--- 241,252 ----
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s/%s", facedir, user, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           if (EQUAL(fname[i], "") && gtype != NEWS) continue ;
!           else
!             {
!               STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
!               return ;
!             }
*** 247,254 ****
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", facedir, community, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
!           return ;
--- 255,266 ----
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", facedir, community, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           if (EQUAL(fname[i], "") && gtype != NEWS) continue ;
!           else
!             {
!               STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
!               return ;
!             }
*** 257,265 ****
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", facedir, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
!           STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
!           return ;
--- 269,281 ----
        SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", facedir, fname[i]) ;
        if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!           if (EQUAL(fname[i], "") && gtype != NEWS) continue ;
!           else
!             {
!               STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
!               STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
!               return ;
!             }
*** original/patchlevel.h	Sun Dec 11 15:06:15 1988
--- patchlevel.h	Wed Dec 28 15:35:50 1988
*** 1,5 ****
! /*  @(#)patchlevel.h 1.1 88/12/04
   *  This is the current patch level for this version of faces.
--- 1,5 ----
! /*  @(#)patchlevel.h 1.2 88/12/28
   *  This is the current patch level for this version of faces.
*** 14,17 ****
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  0
--- 14,17 ----
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  1
*** original/rec.c	Sun Dec 11 15:06:28 1988
--- rec.c	Wed Dec 28 15:35:48 1988
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rec.c 1.2 88/12/09" ;
  /*  Record handling routines used by the faces program.
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rec.c 1.3 88/12/28" ;
  /*  Record handling routines used by the faces program.
*** 175,185 ****
--- 175,188 ----
    while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
        ptr1 = index(nextline, '/') ;
+       if (((int) (ptr1-nextline)) <= 0) continue ;  /* Ignore if no length. */
        STRNCPY(hostname, nextline, (int) (ptr1-nextline)) ;
        hostname[(int) (ptr1-nextline)] = '\0' ;
        ptr2 = index(nextline, '=') ;
+       if (((int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)) <= 0) continue ;    /* Ignore if no length. */
        STRNCPY(alias, ptr1+1, (int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)) ;
        alias[(int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)] = '\0' ;
+       if ((strlen(ptr2)-2) <= 0) continue ;         /* Ignore if no length. */
        STRNCPY(username, ptr2+1, strlen(ptr2)-2) ;
        username[strlen(ptr2)-2] = '\0' ;
        check_comm(hostname, username, alias) ;
*** 203,210 ****
--- 206,215 ----
    while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
        ptr = index(nextline, '=') ;
+       if (((int) (ptr-nextline)) <= 0) continue ;  /* Ignore if no length. */
        STRNCPY(machine, nextline, (int) (ptr-nextline)) ;
        machine[(int) (ptr-nextline)] = '\0' ;
+       if (strlen(ptr)-2 <= 0) continue ;           /* Ignore if no length. */
        STRNCPY(community, ptr+1, strlen(ptr)-2) ;
        community[strlen(ptr)-2] = '\0' ;
        add_machine(machine, community) ;
*** original/sunview.c	Sun Dec 11 15:06:28 1988
--- sunview.c	Wed Dec 28 15:35:49 1988
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)sunview.c 1.1 88/12/04" ;
  /*  SunView dependent graphics routines used by faces,
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)sunview.c 1.2 88/12/28" ;
  /*  SunView dependent graphics routines used by faces,
*** 188,194 ****
!   gtype = SUNVIEW ;
    return 0 ;
--- 188,201 ----
!   char *getenv() ;
!   if (getenv("WINDOW_PARENT") == NULL)
!     {
!       FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Not a native SunView window\n", progname) ;
!       return -1 ;
!     }
!   gtype = SVIEW ;
    return 0 ;

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