Psfig bug using eqn with DWB 2.0 bug applied ???

Jos Vos jos at
Wed Dec 28 16:57:12 AEST 1988

I just got PSFIG running - it's a marvelous package! But...

... the eqn example from the documentation ( here does not
work properly: the whole equation is shifted too much to the left and
the capital Sigma with {i=0} is printed on the same position as
x sup #pretzel#.

The draft mode (-d=0) works fine. The equation is then on the right place.
The problem seems to be in the psfig or ditroff step.
There the output already seems to be damaged.

I *did* apply the patch to the DWB 2.0 sources.

Anyone having the same experience? Does there exist a patch (I got psfig
from uunet, without any patches except for other packages :-).

-- ######   Jos Vos   ######   Internet   jos at   ######
-- ######             ######   UUCP         ...!mcvax!philapd!jos   ######

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