talk program won't

Norman S. Soley soley at ontenv.UUCP
Thu Jun 9 06:35:23 AEST 1988

A while ago somone posted to the net a talk(1) for system V that used
named pipes which I dutifully stuffed away for future reference. 
Unfortunately it seems I didn't stuff away the the header so I can't say for
sure which group it was in. The only reference I have is the author's
name, Nigel Holder.

Now that I need it I can't get it to work. The initiating program never 
recognizes that a connection is successful.  I'd be beholdin' to anyone 
who has gotten this to work and will let me in on the secret (or has 
something like it) or can point me in the direction of Mr. Holder. You're 
also welcome to flame me for my massive stupidity although I'm much less 
likely to do any beholdin' as a result. 
Norman Soley - Data Communications Analyst - Ontario Ministry of the Environment
UUCP:	utzoo!lsuc!ncrcan!---\			VOICE:	+1 416 323 2623
	{mnetor,utgpu}!ontmoh!ontenv!norm	ENVOY:	N.SOLEY
    "ZIK ZAK -- We make everything you need and you need everything we make"

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