talk program won't

Edward C. Bennett edward at
Fri Jun 10 00:37:24 AEST 1988

In article <526 at ontenv.UUCP> soley at ontenv.UUCP (Norman S. Soley) writes:
>A while ago somone posted to the net a talk(1) for system V that used
>named pipes which I dutifully stuffed away for future reference. 
>Now that I need it I can't get it to work.

The answer is easy. Get a copy of the other SYSV talk program. (Mine, to
be specific) It uses IPC rather than named pipes. Of course I'm biased,
but I think it's the better of the two.

My talk is available in Volume 6 of comp.sources.unix.
Edward C. Bennett				DOMAIN: edward at
(606) 257-4938				UUCP: {cbosgd|uunet}!ukma!ukecc!edward
"Goodnight M.A."				BITNET: edward%ukecc.uucp at ukma
	"He's become a growling, snarling mass of white-hot canine terror"

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