Misbehavior in Jove

Casey Leedom casey at corwyn.cognet.ucla.edu
Fri Jun 17 08:04:46 AEST 1988

  Here's a better set of the my-case-word-XXX macros I described.  I
liked the idea well enough that I decided to start using it, but the
earlier versions I described left the cursor in funny places.  These always
leave the cursor at the end the word just like the built in versions.

define-macro my-case-word-capitalize ^F^[b^[C
define-macro my-case-word-lower ^F^[b^[L
define-macro my-case-word-upper ^F^[b^[U
bind-macro-to-key my-case-word-capitalize ^[c
bind-macro-to-key my-case-word-lower ^[l
bind-macro-to-key my-case-word-upper ^[u


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