Misbehavior in Jove

Jim Cathey jimc at iscuva.ISCS.COM
Fri Jun 17 02:34:04 AEST 1988

In article <5584 at xanth.cs.odu.edu> kent at cs.odu.edu (Kent Paul Dolan) writes:
>lowercasing.  Ick.  Especially since the usual case is that I'm part
>way through touch typing the word when my brain catches up with my
>fingers and says: "Capitalize it, dummy!"

I have never had any problem here -- I just lean on the Meta (Alt) key and 
type BC.  Word's capitalized and I'm back where I was.  A real meta key is
sure nice!  (A pair's even better, one on each end of the spacebar.)

>While we're speaking of design flaws, why in the world does ^N insert
>newlines at the end of a file, when the return key is available for
>that job?  (Kyle overrode that one, too.)  It sure is nice to be able
>to use ^N, which I can touch type, rather than Escape->, which I have
>to look for, to find the end of a file when I'm near the bottom.

Hear hear!  I've always hated that feature, and since I'm the one who 
installed GNU Emacs here I took it out completely!  Local standards by fiat!

On an unrelated issue...  Is anyone else disgusted by the misuse of the
term 'meta' in the microemacsen?  It looks like they just did a global-
search-and-replace of Meta for ESC!  (Leading to such silliness as "...press
the Meta key to stop the search.")  I even had to do quite a bit of
hacking around to make it even recognize Meta functions (8th bit set on
characters) as commands.  It looks like all microemacs people
are IBM PC'ers, who would rather get the extended character set on Alt
as opposed to Meta functions.  Sounds backward to me!

! II      CCCCCC !  Jim Cathey
! II  SSSSCC     !  ISC Systems Corp.
! II      CC     !  TAF-C8;  Spokane, WA  99220
! IISSSS  CC     !  UUCP: uunet!iscuva!jimc
! II      CCCCCC !  (509) 927-5757
			"With excitement like this, who is needing enemas?"

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