Misbehavior in Jove

Kent Paul Dolan kent at xanth.cs.odu.edu
Wed Jun 15 08:34:18 AEST 1988

In article <8181 at ihlpa.ATT.COM> sft at ihlpa.ATT.COM (Scott Thompson) writes:
>From article <212 at isl.stanford.edu>, by wongpw at isl.Stanford.EDU (Ping Wah Wong):
>> middle of a word, e.g., middle, the command case-word-capitalize would
>>                            ^
>>                            |
>>                       cursor position
>This is not a bug.  Every version of emacs I have ever used, performs
>this function in the exact same way.  Maybe a macro to find the begining
>of the current word before capitalization is what you really want?
>  Scott Thompson (IHP 2A-428), AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, Il. 60566
>       VOICE: (312)-416-4236     UUCP: ...!ihnp4!ihlpa!sft

Hmmm.  I've seen two notes now claiming this isn't a bug.  OK.  Let's
call it a horrid human factors design flaw instead, then.  The one
time in 1000 I need to capitalize some middle letter of a word I can
type space, escape-C backspace.  Instead, the 999 times in 1000, I
have to add extra command characters, or spend extra attention
navigating to the beginning of a word, to do the capitalization or
lowercasing.  Ick.  Especially since the usual case is that I'm part
way through touch typing the word when my brain catches up with my
fingers and says: "Capitalize it, dummy!"

Emacsi are so often tailored, I have no idea whether this was in the
original code, but the version of Gosling Emacs we were running before
this site switched to GNUemacs did capitalize the beginning from in or
at the end of the word, and one of our local gurus built this into a
compatibility package for those of us who like backspace instead of
delete and a few other features of Gosling's version worth keeping, so
it still works here the way I like it (Thanks, Kyle).

While we're speaking of design flaws, why in the world does ^N insert
newlines at the end of a file, when the return key is available for
that job?  (Kyle overrode that one, too.)  It sure is nice to be able
to use ^N, which I can touch type, rather than Escape->, which I have
to look for, to find the end of a file when I'm near the bottom.

Kent, the man from xanth.

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