Misbehavior in Jove

Scott Thompson sft at ihlpa.ATT.COM
Tue Jun 14 00:30:58 AEST 1988

>From article <212 at isl.stanford.edu>, by wongpw at isl.Stanford.EDU (Ping Wah Wong):
> middle of a word, e.g., middle, the command case-word-capitalize would
>                            ^
>                            |
>                       cursor position

This is not a bug.  Every version of emacs I have ever used, performs
this function in the exact same way.  Maybe a macro to find the begining
of the current word before capitalization is what you really want?

  Scott Thompson (IHP 2A-428), AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, Il. 60566

       VOICE: (312)-416-4236     UUCP: ...!ihnp4!ihlpa!sft

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