Misbehavior in Jove

Jonathan Payne jpayne%breakpoint at Sun.COM
Sun Jun 12 12:12:56 AEST 1988

In article <212 at isl.stanford.edu> wongpw at isl.Stanford.EDU (Ping Wah Wong) writes:
>I just found a problem in the case-word-capitalize, case-word-lower
>and case-word-upper commands of Jove. Basically, if the cursor is in the
>middle of a word, e.g., middle, the command case-word-capitalize would
>result in midDle, rather than Middle. Does someone has a solution to

That is the way JOVE is spozed to behave.  It's the way any of the real
emacs editors do it.  You could do ESC - ESC C, which means capitalize
the previous word, which actually does the current word if you're not
already at the beginning of it.  It makes sense, really!  Oh, "ESC -" is
the same as "ESC - 1", just in case that wasn't obvious.

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