talk program won't

loci!clb loci at killer.UUCP
Tue Jun 28 07:56:06 AEST 1988

In article <523 at>, nwh at (Nigel Holder "Marconi") writes:
>   Well - I seem to remember something about unsigned and signed bytes
> playing havoc with certain systems - the system talk was written on
> only had one of the above.  Hope this helps 

	Using "talk" on my UNIXPC (sysV, vers 3.0) works for a while
	and then panic's the system with a timer table overflow,
	or at least that's what I summize from the message.

			CLBrunow - KA5SOF
	Loci Products, POB 833846-131, Richardson, Texas 75083
	   clb at loci.uucp, loci at killer.uucp, loci at csccat.uucp

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