v15i049: Module to make postscript interpreter work under Suntools

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at notecnirp.Princeton.EDU
Thu Jun 9 13:36:08 AEST 1988

This module works wonderfully, except that it requires people  to
redefine  showpage in their .postscript file. Since this is not a
very intuitive thing to do, here is a patch to main.c  that  will
do  the  redefinition automatically.  Apply the patch, and recom-
pile main.c with the -DPSTOOL flag (the patch is  #ifdef'ed,  be-
cause the redefinition of showpage is usually not required).

I hope you find this useful.

*** main.c.orig	Wed Jun  8 23:19:31 1988
--- main.c	Wed Jun  8 23:19:43 1988
*** 79,84 ****
--- 79,90 ----
   	if (fp = fopen (profile, "r"))
  		VOID Push (ExecStack, Cvx (FileFrom (fp)));
+ # ifdef PSTOOL
+ 	/* Redefine showpage so that it doesn't wait for the user
+ 	   to press return */
+ 	VOID Push (ExecStack, Cvx (StringFrom (
+ 		"/showpage { copypage initgraphics flush erasepage } def")));
+ # endif /* PSTOOL */
  	if (!interactive)
  		VOID Push (ExecStack,

	Kriton	(UUCP: rutgers!princeton!kyrimis)
	      	(ARPA: kyrimis at princeton.edu)
"One does not wish to be devoured by alien monstrosities, even  in
 the cause of political progress!"

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