flex bug with |'d patterns and $.

Vern Paxson vern%lbl-pistachio at LBL-RTSG.ARPA
Mon May 23 09:44:06 AEST 1988

Greg Lee writes about flex mismatches regarding connecting multiple
rules with "|" when one of the rules includes the match-end-of-line
"$" meta-character.  This is indeed a bug and is documented as such
in the flex manual entry ("$" is an instance of trailing context).
I'm hoping to have all trailing context restrictions removed with
the next flex release.


	Vern Paxson				vern at lbl-csam.arpa
	Real Time Systems			ucbvax!lbl-csam.arpa!vern
	Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory		(415) 486-6411

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