ispell bug

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Sun May 22 15:39:10 AEST 1988

In article <49451 at ti-csl.CSNET> buehring at home.UUCP (Walt Buehring) writes:

> I just received the following information regarding a bug in ispell:
> ) I've been told by one of our hackers that the tree.c routine
> ) smashes the personal dictionary each time it is run.
> I do not know in which version the above bug occurs, but I've never
> encountered it in the original version.

The bug is in ispell version 2.0.00 and 2.0.01, May 1987 Beta posting.  It is
the main reason why users of version 2 want patch #2, which cures this
problem.  Patch #2 to ispell is available from the comp.sources.misc
archives.  Persons who do not have archive access (few;  the archives are
accessible through both uucp and ftp) may get the patch from me, but please
keep in mind that the money for sending it comes out of my own personal
	Geoff Kuenning   geoff at   {uunet,trwrb}!desint!geoff

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