ispell bug

Walt Buehring buehring at
Sat May 21 04:48:25 AEST 1988


I just received the following information regarding a bug in ispell:

) I've been told by one of our hackers that the tree.c routine
) smashes the personal dictionary each time it is run.
) He says he changed the fopen( .. ,"w") to be fopen( .., "a"), but
) even this doesn't fix things.
) Don't know if you are interested in looking into this, but I
) thought I could at least pass the information on anyways.

I posted the original ispell but did not write it, nor have I been
involved with the later versions that I understand have been posted.
I do not know in which version the above bug occurs, but I've never
encountered it in the original version.


Walt Buehring
Texas Instruments - Computer Science Center

ARPA:  Buehring at CSC.TI.COM
UUCP:  {smu, texsun, im4u, rice} ! ti-csl ! buehring

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