mush 6.2 patches

Jon Sweedler cjosta at taux01.UUCP
Tue May 24 18:13:53 AEST 1988

I applied the 6.2 patches to mush but have run into a rather major problem.
When I type "m" in curses mode (this is the only mode I tested it from) to
mail something, I get a core dump.  I had absolutely no problems at all getting
mush 6.0 and 6.1 to run.  I am running on BSD 4.3.  Any one else have this
Jon Sweedler   =====   National Semiconductor (Israel)
UUCP:   {ames!amdahl,ihnp4!hplabs,pyramid,sun,decwrl}!nsc!taux01!cjosta
Domain: cjosta at
Paper:  6 Maskit st., P.O.B. 3007, Herzlia B 46104, Israel

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