mush bug

Ivade Deviz @ Vern dv at unicom.UUCP
Thu May 26 04:08:46 AEST 1988

Index: mush 6.2 (Mail User's Shell (6.2 5/11/88))

	When you invoke mush -e (don't put the terminal into cbreak/noecho
	mode), the internal pager doesn't put it into cbreak/noecho mode,
	and thus doesn't work (you have to hit " <CR>" instead of
	" ").

	mush -e
	<in mush>
	set pager=internal
	p <some long message>

Sorry, I don't have a fix.
David W. Vezie, Systems Hacker         |  "I support Star Wars (tm),
{{sun,ucbvax}!pixar,pacbell}!unicom!dv |        it's SDI I can't stand"  --Me

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