tset (BSD?)

aglew at urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM aglew at urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM
Sun May 8 07:56:00 AEST 1988

>For terminals, I think that all of the flavors of Unix have been going
>about key function binding all wrong.  Unix should not bind keys to
>functions, but rather functions to keys: have a per-character table, 
>each entry of which tells the tty driver which function to run for that
>key. (Sound like Emacs?)  Among other things this would be faster,
>because the driver would not have to search through a list of 7-14 (or
>so) functions for each key.
>Now this would require more memory per tty (like 256 bytes), but then
>again most Unixes are runing on machines that are somewhat bigger than

If I remember correctly Mike "der Mouse" Parker at McGill has done this.
I think that it takes 512 bytes - it's nice to be able to store flags 
for special actions like erase, etc. Mouse, d'you read this newsgroup?

Andy "Krazy" Glew. Gould CSD-Urbana.    1101 E. University, Urbana, IL 61801   
    aglew at gould.com     	- preferred, if you have MX records
    aglew at xenurus.gould.com     - if you don't
    ...!ihnp4!uiucuxc!ccvaxa!aglew  - paths may still be the only way
My opinions are my own, and are not the opinions of my employer, or any
other organisation. I indicate my company only so that the reader may
account for any possible bias I may have towards our products.

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