flex escape sequences

Vern Paxson vern%lbl-pistachio at LBL-RTSG.ARPA
Fri May 6 07:40:10 AEST 1988

Greg Lee mentioned a bug regarding "\^" not correctly matching a caret
in the input.  This is due to a throw-back to the dark ages, and the
fix follows.


RCS/scan.l,v  -->  stdout
revision 1.3 
*** scan.l      Thu May  5 14:32:53 1988
--- /tmp/da1563 Thu May  5 14:36:11 1988
*** 48,54 ****
  SCNAME                {NAME}
! ESCSEQ                \\([^\n]|0[0-9]{1,3})
      static int bracelevel, didadef;
--- 48,54 ----
  SCNAME                {NAME}
! ESCSEQ                \\([^^\n]|"^".|0[0-9]{1,3})
      static int bracelevel, didadef;

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