Compilation problem with paragraph.c from Jove

Bert Still still at usceast.UUCP
Sun May 8 07:32:26 AEST 1988

	Has anyone else had a problem building the recently posted Jove program?
When I compiled paragraph.c, I was greeted by a list of cheerful messages:

cc -O  -c paragraph.c
"paragraph.c", line 310: endmark undefined
"paragraph.c", line 310: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"paragraph.c", line 310: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"paragraph.c", line 312: okay_char undefined
"paragraph.c", line 317: cp undefined
"paragraph.c", line 317: warning: illegal combination of pointer and integer, op =
"paragraph.c", line 321: operands of - have incompatible types
"paragraph.c", line 325: okay_char undefined
"paragraph.c", line 327: endmark undefined
"paragraph.c", line 327: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"paragraph.c", line 327: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required
"paragraph.c", line 333: indent undefined
"paragraph.c", line 337: scrunch undefined
"paragraph.c", line 341: indent undefined
"paragraph.c", line 345: savedot undefined
"paragraph.c", line 346: endmark undefined
"paragraph.c", line 352: syntax error
"paragraph.c", line 361: num undefined
"paragraph.c", line 362: dir undefined
"paragraph.c", line 364: first_time undefined

The number of undefined variables leads me to suspect that either an include
file was truncated, or that the paragraph.c file was corrupted. I persued both
lines of thinking, and came up with no results.  If some kind soul has a fix,
I would like to get a copy of it. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to make some
time and go exterminating...
	Many thanks for any and all help...
						still at

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