Compilation problem with paragraph.c from Jove

George M. Sipe george at rebel.UUCP
Sat May 14 01:58:30 AEST 1988

In article <2594 at usceast.UUCP> still at usceast.uucp.UUCP (Bert Still) writes:
>	Has anyone else had a problem building the recently posted Jove program?
>When I compiled paragraph.c, I was greeted by a list of cheerful messages:
>cc -O  -c paragraph.c
>"paragraph.c", line 310: endmark undefined
>"paragraph.c", line 310: warning: struct/union or struct/union pointer required

etc. including okay_char, cp, indent, scrunch, savedot, num, dir, first_time
all undefined.  It looked to me like a bad version of paragraph.c was posted
with the last distribution, so as a temporary measure I replaced it with a
stub to see what other problems might surface.

	int	RMargin = 78,
		LMargin = 0;

	plus BackPara, ForPara, RegJustify, do_rfill, DoJustify, and
	Justify each declared:

		void <function-name>(){}

No other module had compilation errors and with this stub the thing linked
ok and even executes (without proper paragraph support I'm sure).

I thought by now someone would have explained the problem or posted the
correct paragraph.c.  Did I miss it?

George M. Sipe,		Phone: (404) 662-1533
Tolerant Systems, 6961 Peachtree Industrial, Norcross, GA  30071
UUCP: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,rutgers,seismo}!gatech!rebel!george

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