Problem compiling 'GONE'

Jeffery Siou jeffs at wjvax.UUCP
Thu Apr 13 01:56:25 AEST 1989

First things first,I know very little about C programming except how to compile.

   While trying to compile 'gone' I got the following error after typing 'Make':

cc -O gone gone.c
"gone.c", line 170: SIGUSR2 undefined

This was after I applied the patch recently posted. This problem occured
also before applying posted patch. 

I'm running BSD 4.2. 

I looked in the '/usr/include/signal.h' file for "SIGUSR2", but it wasn't
there. There were alot of other "SIG___.." there, but not "SIGUSR2".

If I knew what "SIGUSR2" should be defined to, then I could put a copy of
'/usr/include/signal.h' in the directory I trying to compile gone in,
then add something to signal.h like:

#define	SIGUSR2	____

and then change gone.c to:

#include <signal.h>


#include "signal.h"

then try to re-compile.

Is there an easy solution to this for a person that knows little to
nothing about C programming except how to compile.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

|  jeffery siou                                                             |
|  ...!{ !decwrl!qubix, ames!oliveb!tymix, pyramid}!wjvax!jeffs             |
|                                                                           |
|  the above opinions are mine alone and not, in any way, those of WJ.      |
|                                                                           |

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