Problem compiling 'GONE'

shirono at hcx3.SSD.HARRIS.COM shirono at hcx3.SSD.HARRIS.COM
Fri Apr 21 01:05:00 AEST 1989

SIGUSR2 is a signal reserved for use by the user in System V.  From
Release 3.2 for the 3B2, it is

	#define	SIGUSR2	17	/* user defined signal 2 */

Notice, however, that this has to be closely tied in with the kernel.  As a
matter of fact, in vanilla 4.2 BSD, signal 17 is SIGSTOP, which, as per
sigvec(2), "cannot be caught, blocked or ignored."  

Since you seem to have little experience with C programming and UNIX
internals, I would suggest you find someone more knowledgeable.  It seems
that what you need to do is analyze the code, find out what signals must be
left alone (either because the program itself uses them to alter its
behavior or because the kernel might post said signal in response to an
outside event, and confuse your program).  One possibility, if the program
does not write to pipes at all (either by its own choice or from writing to
the standard output), then you could use SIGPIPE.  It is a VERY UGLY way of
doing this, but, without knowing what the code does, it is all I can
suggest at this point.

                               ||   Internet: shirono at
     Roberto Shironoshita      ||
      Harris Corporation       ||             ...!novavax---\
   Computer Systems Division   ||   UUCP:     ...!uunet-------!hcx1!shirono
                               ||             ...!mit-eddie-/
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here are my own; they in no way reflect the
            opinion or policies of Harris Corporation.

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