less is more ??

Ozan Yigit oz at yunexus.UUCP
Tue Apr 18 02:10:58 AEST 1989

Is there a comprehensive "official" set of patches to less (one
posted not too long ago), including some "backwards compatibility"
fixes, so we do not have to go around fixing 3000 .login/.cshrc ??
Because of the changes to this version less, we are forced to run
the old one still.

use the source, luke !!     		Usenet:    oz at nexus.yorku.ca
uh... we forgot to tell you...       	......!uunet!utai!yunexus!oz
it is unintelligible, but hey, you	Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti]
got it, for free (!).		  	Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976

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