POP locking maildrop file

Luke Visser luke at tasis.utas.oz
Fri Apr 14 10:27:24 AEST 1989

When the popd loads mail from a 'pop' mailbox
(e.g. /usr/spool/pop/l.j.visser) it locks the file.  This
is quite reasonable, however the problem arises when the
mail delivery system attempts to deliver mail to this

Because of the lock it gets an error and assumes that it
can't deliver the mail and so bounces it.

The version of mh is 6.6 and I'm wondering if there is
a bug fix.  If there isn't I'll look at doing one.

Luke Visser
"I'm a Tasmanian"	- Albert Einstein
Snail: Uni of Tasmania, Box 252C GPO, Hobart 7001, Tasmania, Australia.
ACSnet: luke at tasis.utas.oz	ARPA: luke%tasis.utas.oz at uunet.uu.net
UUCP: {enea,hplabs,mcvax,uunet,ukc}!munnari!tasis.utas.oz!luke

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