Elm 2.2 not entering raw mode

Jonathan Knight jonathan at cs.keele.ac.uk
Fri Apr 21 07:54:08 AEST 1989

>From article <3925 at mipos3.intel.com>, by bbishop at tamcad.intel.com (Brian Bishop):
> Okay, so I am not a curses hacker, so I need help.
> I am running ULTRIX 2.? on a 11/750, and Elm 2.2 doesn't enter raw
> mode.

This is a bug in the Configure script.  Do another configure and when
asked if you want to edit config.sh type  !vi config.sh

Now find the line that reads like this:
and change it to
also find the line which specifies 'termlib' and change it to 'termcap'.
Finish up the edit and then hit return at the config.sh re-prompt.
All will be well from then on.  This bug appears to be caused by
Configure finding termio.h and making a lot of assumptions which
aren't true on Ultrix.
  ______    JANET :jonathan at uk.ac.keele.cs     Jonathan Knight,
    /       BITNET:jonathan%cs.kl.ac.uk at ukacrl Department of Computer Science
   / _   __ other :jonathan at cs.keele.ac.uk     University of Keele, Keele,
(_/ (_) / / UUCP  :...!ukc!kl-cs!jonathan      Staffordshire.  ST5 5BG.  U.K.

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