Elm 2.2 not entering raw mode

Brian Bishop bbishop at tamcad.intel.com
Wed Apr 19 07:18:19 AEST 1989

Okay, so I am not a curses hacker, so I need help.

I am running ULTRIX 2.? on a 11/750, and Elm 2.2 doesn't enter raw
mode.  This is even worse than one might think as when the pager exits
and elm says "i to return to index page" (or something like that), one
must type i <RET>.  Now elm thinks the return means read the message.
I endup generating a QUIT to bail out.

I ran configure with nothing strange.  It thought I was on BSD
(unrelated note - even though configure couldn't find uname, it tried
to use it anyways).

Our mailer understands all domains except UUCP, so I am unable to
write the coordinator directly.  Help is, of course, appreciated.
Brian Lloyd Bishop                            bbishop at tamcad.intel.com

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