Conquer bug?

Gary Parnes parnes at
Wed Dec 13 05:26:13 AEST 1989

I believe that there may be a bug in Conquer.  I lost my national leader
a long time ago, and it has been ten turns (at least).  Yet I have
not receive another national leader.  The odds of this happening is
about 1%   I find it hard to believe I'm pushing the odds like this.

As a side note, right after I lost my national leader, I had two messages
in my mail.  One said "You have a new national leader."  The other said,
"You don't have a national leader yet."  Could this be part of the


| "You're obviously misinformed... everything  |  Gary Parnes		      |
|  EAST of the San Andreas Fault is going to   |  Computer Science Engineer   |
|  fall into the ATLANTIC Ocean."              |  University of Pennsylvania  |
|   *** parnes at ***        |  *NOT* Penn State, Dammit!   |

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