Help with patch level 4

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Thu Dec 14 05:34:18 AEST 1989

In article <317 at tcville.HAC.COM> terry at (Robert Terry) writes:
: Checking out how to guarantee sh startup...
: Let's see if '#! /bin/sh' works...
: stdout 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<< See this??? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
: Yup, it does.
: Checking echo to see how to suppress newlines...
: ...using -n.
: Type carriage return to continue.  Your cursor should be here-->

Either your Configure is corrupt, or someone has modified one of cat, test,
chmod, echo or sh (ksh or bash replacement, maybe?).  Or your #! mechanism
is broken.  The word "stdout" doesn't even occur in Configure.

Larry Wall
lwall at

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