Reactive keyboard bugs?

Stephen Kinzler kinzler at
Thu Dec 7 06:13:38 AEST 1989

Written by brian at dgsi.UUCP in news:comp.sources.bugs
---------- "Reactive keyboard bugs?" ----------
>  I have tried compiling the reactive keyboard (posted to comp.sources.unix
> recently) on several different machines (Sun 3/60 v3.5, 3/260 v4.0.3 and
> Apollo DN4000 SR10.1) all with the same result.  It dumps core.  I believe
> it is a malloc related problem.

If I remember correctly, adding "-lmalloc" to the cc command line in
the Makefile got it to compile correctly on our Ultrix system.

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|  ])"}  +{) /   Indiana Univ Dept of Computer Science   \  @ }[^??^&. |

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