Reactive keyboard bugs?

Sean Casey sean at
Thu Dec 7 07:44:52 AEST 1989

I tried to get RK working on both System V and BSD systems. It core dumped
or locked up my screen. I find the idea of RK intriguing, but after messing
with it a while, I decided it was a waste of my time and "rm"d it. 

If someone manages to get it into a quasi-portable state, give me a ring.

***  Sean Casey          sean at, sean at ukma.bitnet, ukma!sean
***  Copyright 1989 by Sean Casey. Only non-profit redistribution permitted.
***  "I sometimes get 30 or more mail messages a day. If you ask me: "Did
***  you get my mail?" I am going to ask, "What was it about?"  - me

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