malias problems

Mark Sirota msir_cif at
Sat Feb 11 04:06:28 AEST 1989

Much to my chagrin, there have already been three problems noted in
"malias", which was just posted to comp.sources.unix.

(1) I misspelled "of" consistently in the Copyright message in all four
	files.  It says "if" instead.
(2) malloc.h doesn't exist on some systems.  You will have to just
	replace	that line with "extern char *malloc();".
(3) The compiler directive in the Makefile doesn't give a source.  It
		cc $(CFLAGS) -o malias
	It should obviously read:
		cc $(CFLAGS) malias.c -o malias

In addition, you can feel free to add the following text to the end of the

To install, edit the three definitions at the top of Makefile as
appropriate, and type "make".  Once done, type "make install" to install
malias in the directories specified.

Mail any problems, questions, suggestions, etc to me.


Mark Sirota - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
 Internet: msir_cif at
 Bitnet:   msir_ss at uordbv.bitnet
 UUCP:     ...!rochester!ur-cc!msir_cif
Mark Sirota - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
 Internet: msir_cif at
 Bitnet:   msir_ss at uordbv.bitnet
 UUCP:     ...!rochester!ur-cc!msir_cif

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