v07i001: ularn - ultra-larn, an enhancement of the larn adventure game, Part01/08

Uri Blumenthal uri at arnor.UUCP
Fri Jul 14 01:17:25 AEST 1989

>From article <2232 at auspex.auspex.com>, by guy at auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris):
> Yes, the author is jumping the gun; the claim seems to be that System V
> has "tcflush" and company, but only recent releases have it, i.e. it
> must be S5R3.2 or later, since S5R3.1 from AT&T doesn't have that
> POSIXism.

Nope! I daresay System V R3.2 DOESN'T have "tcflush". At least I couldn't
find it in any of the libraries which came with the system. And of course,
there's NOTHING like TCIFLUSH in any of *.h files (it was checked out :-).


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