Puts replaced by printf? (Was: Re: Bug in csh (history, "!a%100s"))

Jeff Beadles jeff at quark.WV.TEK.COM
Wed Jul 12 01:06:35 AEST 1989

In article <774 at sbsvax.UUCP> greim at sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
>As to "puts() will never be slower than printf()": I recall reading
>somewhere that some people think about implementing puts() using printf().

You ARE kidding, right?  Puts can be something ridiculously simple.
Something like this would work:
(I know that it's not "correct" but the concept is. :-)

char  string
	register char *cp = string;

Why use printf for something this simple?

Would they do something like:
#define puts(x) printf("%s\n", x);


Jeff Beadles		Utek Sustaining Engineering, Tektronix Inc.
jeff at quark.WV.TEK.COM

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