Logo Header File Missing

Brint Cooper abc at adm.BRL.MIL
Wed Mar 15 06:43:05 AEST 1989

I have the 6-part Logo that was posted a while back and only today tried
to "make" it.  File "sun.i" requires an "include" file called gfx.h
which seems to contain graphics-related things.

<gfx.h> was not included in the shar files that constituted the Logo
posting, and I cannot find a file by that name in my Sun's /usr/include
directory.  Nor can I find any file in that directory that defines the
parameters defined by <gfx.h> and used in sun.i.

Finally, I cannot construct an Internet address for Brian Harvey
<bh at mit-amt> who posted this.

I'll be happy with any of the following:  a copy of <gfx.h>, a pointer
to something in the Sun software that will work, or an Internet path to
Brian Harvey.

_Brint Cooper
<abc at brl.mil>

Brint Cooper

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