cdiffs for Jove 4.9 -- C-mode enhancements

Mark Sirota msir at
Tue Mar 14 14:05:31 AEST 1989

In article <13469 at ncoast.ORG> allbery at ncoast.ORG (Brandon S. Allbery) writes:
> [Does anyone know Jon Payne's current email address?

Jonathan is now "jpayne at".

> The following context diffs to Jon Payne's Jove editor, version 4.9, add
> some functionality to C-mode.

This is all well and good, but JOVE v4.12 is now available by anonymous
FTP from and other sites.  One of the major changes for
JOVE v4.11 was a much-enhanced C-mode.
Mark Sirota - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
 Internet: msir at
 Bitnet:   msir_ss at uordbv.bitnet
 UUCP:     ...!rochester!ur-cc!msir

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