Oliver's screen and tip(1) on Ultrix 3.0 problem

Gordon Vickers gordon at prls.UUCP
Sat May 27 02:24:03 AEST 1989

      I've been having difficulty with Oliver's Screen program ever
  since I installed Ultrix 3.0 .
      If I start up a tip(1) process (I even tried it with tip from Ultrix
  2.2 under Ultrix 3.0) in one of the screens, a large percentage of the
  charectors sent to the screen don't get displayed.


  $ tip prls
  (connected to /dev/tty18)
  <cr>                                    /* from my keyboard, responce: */
              loi: oro                    /* login:gordon  */
                      Pwor:               /* Passwd:       */

  and so it goes. Seem that everything I type is understood at the prls end.
  Misc other facts: Vax 11/750 dmf32 port to VAX 11/780 dmf32 port. Both
   machines run Ultrix. Screen and tip have always worked together fine
   in the past (prior to Ultrix 3.0 installation on the 11/750).

  Thank-you for any assistance
Gordon Vickers 408/991-5370 (Sunnyvale,Ca); {mips|pyramid|philabs}!prls!gordon
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