Patch (really enhancement) for `screen' V 2.0a (of 19-Oct-88)

Oliver Laumann net at tub.UUCP
Fri May 26 22:41:51 AEST 1989

In article <459 at mahendo.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> earle at mahendo.JPL.NASA.GOV writes:
> The bonus patch at the end corrects what I believe was a typo - all of the
> pty's were allocated from ttyq0 on up instead of looking for the (usual case
> of) next free ttypX (assuming the normal case where the ttyp[0-f] pty's are
> not all allocated already).

This isn't a typo.  The reasons for the "qpr" search order were:

  1)  Certain implementations of telnet only allocate "p" ptys and
      therefore complain when all "p" ptys are used up by screen.

  2)  On many systems the "p" ptys are usually all in use (e.g.
      when the system is primarily accessed over terminal servers),
      so that the first free pty is (at least) a "q" pty anyway.
      Since "r" ptys are not always there, it seemed that the
      "qpr" search order would yield the highest "hit rate".

Anyway, since this is installation dependent, the seach order should
probably be configurable from the Makefile.

    Oliver Laumann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
    ...!pyramid!tub!net   or   net at TUB.BITNET

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