Is there a good Perl book out?

J Greely jgreely at
Fri Sep 1 04:15:26 AEST 1989

In article <1318 at ethz-inf.UUCP> wyle at (Mitchell Wyle) writes:
>Perl is better than awk.  The man page is slightly better than awk's.
>There is no book as good as A,W, and K's, however :-(
>Are there enough of us who would buy the book to make it worth NASA's
>while to pay Larry to write it?

Maybe, but what would you *call* it?  "Kitchen Sink Shell
Programming"?  "Cultered Perl"?  "Diamonds in Perl"?  "Never mind the
catsup, pass the features"?

>Is there a Perl-users mailing list?

No, but we could always start one.  The scripts to manage it would, of
course, be in Perl (I have this nifty digest-maker, pity it breaks
under 3.0a...).  As soon as my job situation settles a bit, I'd even
be willing to run it.

		"Okay, Max, we need something from
		 each of the four basic food groups:
		 something from the dough-and-frosting
		 group, something from the carbonation-
		 and-caramel-coloring group --"

					"How about the chewy-nougat-

		"Don't forget the orange marshmellow
		 peanuts!  I think those are a
J Greely (jgreely at; osu-cis!jgreely)

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