Is there a good Perl book out?

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Fri Sep 1 17:51:21 AEST 1989

J Greely <jgreely at> writes:
: Maybe, but what would you *call* it?  "Kitchen Sink Shell
: Programming"?  "Cultered Perl"?  "Diamonds in Perl"?  "Never mind the
: catsup, pass the features"?

"Don't Cast Your Perl's Before Swine", obviously.  :-)

I am seriously considering writing a Perl book in my copious free time.
After all, it's the only way I'm ever gonna make any money off it.
Unless there's some billionaire out there that wants to set up a
foundation for aging techno-nerd hackers like me...

How about "The Perl of Great Price"?

Larry Wall
lwall at

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