NN patch distribution lossage

Paul Andrews paul at tenset.UUCP
Mon Sep 25 23:19:55 AEST 1989

dpz at convex.com (David Paul Zimmerman) writes:

>I'm having problems sending NN patches to some people -- either their UUCP
>site isn't registered, or phase-of-the-moon stuff is getting in the way.

How about posting them to the net? (maybe here?).

- Paul.
| Paul Andrews             | Post: Tenset Technologies Limited,  |
| paul at tenset.uucp         |       Norfolk House,                |
| Phone: +44 223 328886    |       301 Histon Road,              |
| Fax:   +44 223 460929    |       Cambridge CB4 3NF, UK.        |

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