lots of trn problems

Paul Graham pjg at acsu.buffalo.edu
Sat Dec 22 15:56:56 AEST 1990

sef at kithrup.COM (Sean Eric Fagan) writes:
| pjg at acsu.buffalo.edu (Paul Graham) writes:
|>if the milkman breaks the milk bottle do you blame the cow?
|Improper analogy.  In this case, there were two people to blame:  the
|author, and Rich Salz.  The author improperly packaged the program, and Rich
|didn't catch it until a few days after it was posted (by which time, I'm
|sure, lots and lots of people had flooded his mailbox).  After grabbing the
|"fixed" version, it still would not unpack for me.

let's try this again.  i got the same sources r$ did.  i didn't have any
trouble.  r$ acknowleged the problem and (at least according to some
people) fixed it.  or are you assuming that r$ just took the stuff and
shoved it out without even unpacking it?  and then somehow managed to
come up with a fix that has worked for at least one other person?

|So, yes, I blame the cow, and I also blame the milkman.  Why has the author
|not responded?

well it might be because although you're really an unpleasant person
you play one on the net.

|Now, why don't you go back and read *all* of the posts I've made on this
|subject?  Or is it too much trouble for you?

now why don't you go back and read *all* the posts i've made on this
subject as well as what other folks have posted.  or is it too much
trouble for you?

|Sean Eric Fagan  | "I made the universe, but please don't blame me for it;
|sef at kithrup.COM  |  I had a bellyache at the time."
|Any opinions expressed are my own, and generally unpopular with others.

no doubt.
pjg at acsu.buffalo.edu / rutgers!ub!pjg / pjg at ubvms (Bitnet)
opinions found above are mine unless marked otherwise.

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