lots of trn problems

Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR allbery at NCoast.ORG
Wed Dec 19 12:56:46 AEST 1990

As quoted from <1990Dec17.101920.11244 at kithrup.COM> by sef at kithrup.com (Sean Eric Fagan):
| At work, however, where we use NNTP, and I was far behind in some groups,
| trn gets a SIGSEGV and dies.  At first, I thought it had to do with being,
| oh, 340+ articles behind, but, tonight, when I was reading comp.arch, where
| I had (originally) 66 unread articles, I managed to get throuh 22 of them,
| and then it core dumped between one article and the next.

I can't speak to other problems, but I've been using trn for quite some time
(I was a beta tester) and in fact used it to catch up on 2 months of backlog
with no problems.  trn is quite stable on ncoast, and was stable on telotech
until I was forced to ditch news there.

| My next complaint with it is that it has the articles in reverse order when
| listing them for thread selection, and if you bypass that, you are at the
| last article, instead of the first.

???  I have never experienced this.
Me: Brandon S. Allbery			    VHF/UHF: KB8JRR on 220, 2m, 440
Internet: allbery at NCoast.ORG		    Packet: KB8JRR @ WA8BXN
America OnLine: KB8JRR			    AMPR: KB8JRR.AmPR.ORG []
uunet!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery    Delphi: ALLBERY

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